
Shri Venkatesha Stotram

Shri Venkatesha Stotram

  1. Kamalakucha choochuka kunkumatho Niyatharunitha thula neelathano
    Kamalayatha lochana lokapathe Vijayeebhava Venkata saila pathe
  2. Sacha dhurmukha shanmukha panchamukha Pramuka khila daivatha mouli mane
    Saranagatha vathsala saranidhe Paripalayamam vrisha saila pathe
  3. Athivela thaya thava durvishahai Ranuvela Kruthairaparada sathai
    Paritham thvaritham vrisha saila pathe Paraya krupaya paripahi Hare
  4. Adhi venkata saila mudara mather Janatha bimatha dhika danarathath
    Paradeva thaya gathi than nigamai Kamaladayithtan na param kalaye
  5. Kalavenu rava vasa gopa vadhu Sathakoti vrithath smara koti samath
    Prathi valla vikabhimathath sukhadhath Vasudeva suthanna paramkalaye
  6. Abhi rama gunakara dasarathe Jagadeka danurdhara dheeramathe
    Raghunayaka Rama Ramesa vibho Varadho bhava deva daya jaladhe
  7. Avaneethanaya kamaneeyakaram Rajaneechara charu mukhamburuham
    Rajaneechara raja thamo mihiram Mahaneeyamaham Raghuramamaye
  8. Sumukham Suhrudam Sulabham sukhadam Swanujam cha Sukhayamamogh Saram
    Apahaya Raghudwaha manyamaham Na kathnchana kanchana jathu bhaje
  9. Vinaa Venkatesham nanatho nanatha Sadaa Venkatesham smarami smarami
    Hare Venkatesha Praseeda Praseeda Priyam Venkatesha Prayachha Prayachha
  10. Aham doorathasthe padamboja yugma Pranamechaya gathya sevam karomi
    Sakruthsevaya nithyasevapalam thvam Prayachha prayachha prabho Venkatesha
  11. Agnanina maya doshaana seshan vihithan Hare
    Kshamasvathm kshamasvathvam Seshasailasikhamane

Shri Venkatesa Mangalam

Shri Venkatesa Mangalam

  1. Sriya kanthaya devaya, Kalyana nidhaye arthinaam,
    Sri Venkata nivasaya, Srinivasaya mangalam
  2. Lakshmisa vibhramaloka, Sad ma vibhrama chakshshe,
    Chakshushe sarva lokanam, Venkatesaya mangalam.
  3. Sri Venkatadri srungaya, Mangala baranangraye,
    Mangalaanaam nivasaya, Venkatesaya mangalam.
  4. Sarva avayava soundarya, Sampada sarva chethasaam,
    Sada samohanayasthu, Venkatesaya mangalam.
  5. Nithyaya niravadhyaya, Sathyananda chidathmane,
    Sarva antharathmane, Srimad Venkatesaya mangalam.
  6. Swatha sarva vidhe, Sarva shakthaye,sarva seshine,
    Sulabhaya susheelaya, Venkatesaya mangalam.
  7. Parasmai brahmane, Poorna kaamaya paramathmane,
    Prapanna para thathwaaya, Venkatesaya mangalam.
  8. Omkara tathwa manthrantha, Mathmanamanu pasyathaam,
    Athrupthamrutha roopaya, Venkatesaya mangalam.
  9. Praya swcharanou pumsam, Saranathwena panina,
    Krupaya darsayithe, Venkatesaya mangalam.
  10. Dayamrutha tharanginya, Stharangai athi seethlai,
    Apangai sinchathe viswam, Venkatesaya mangalam.
  11. Srag bhooshambara hetheenaam, Sushamavaha moorthaye,
    Sarvarthi samanayasthu, Venkatesaya mangalam.
  12. Sri Vaikunta virakthaya, Swami pushkaranee thate,
    Remaaya rama maanaya, Venkatesaya mangalam.
  13. Srimath Sundara jamathru, Muni manasa vaasine,
    Sarva loka nivasaya, Srinivasaya mangalam.
  14. Nama sri venkatesaya, Shudha jnana swaroopine,
    Vasudevavaya shanthaya, Srinivasaya Mangalam.
  15. Mangalasamsana par madacharya purogamai,
    Sarvaischa poorvair acharyair, Samsthuthayasthu Mangalam.

108 Names Of Lord Lakshminarasimha

Lord Lakshminarasimha Names

Lord Narasimha is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu to save his devotee Prahalada from the clutches of his demon father Hiranyakashipu. The Lord Narasimha (Man-Lion) is fourth incarnation among the major ten incarnation of Lord Narayana. The birth of Lord Narasimha is celebrated with faith and joy on the fourteenth day of bright half month of Vaishakha. There are innumerable temples throughout the world where Lord Narasimha is worshipped in various forms such as Ugra-Narasimha, Yoga-Narasimha and Lakshmi-Narasimha. Also many worship Lord Narasimha as kuladevata (family Deity) and Ishta devata (chosen Deity of the heart).

108 Names Of Lord Lakshminarasimha

1Om Narasimhaya NamahaObeisances unto the half-man half-lion Lord
2Om Mahasimhaya NamahaObeisances to the great lion
3Om Divyasamhaya NamahaObeisances to the divine lion
4Om Mahabalaaya NamahaObeisances to the greatly powerful
5Om Ugrasimhaya NamahaObeisances to the angry terrifying lion
6Om Mahadevaya NamahaObeisances to the Lord of lords
7Om Sthambha-jaaya NamahaObeisances to one who appeared from the pillar
8Om Ugralochanaya NamahaObeisances to one who possesses terrifying eyes
9Om Raudraya NamahaObeisances to the angry one
10Om Sarvadbhutaya NamahaObeisances to one who is wonderful in every way
11Om Srimanaya NamahaObeisances to the most beautiful
12Om Yoganandaya NamahaObeisances to the source of yogic bliss
13Om Trivikramaaya NamahaObeisances to lord Vamana
14Om Harine NamahaObeisances to sri Hari who takes our troubles away
15Om Kolahalaya NamahaObeisances to the roaring
16Om Chakrine NamahaObeisances to him who carries the disk
17Om Vijayaya NamahaObeisances to him who is always victorious
18Om Jayavardhanaya NamahaObeisances unto him who has ever increasing glories
19Om Panchanaya NamahaObeisances unto him who is five-headed
20Om parambrahmaaya NamahaObeisances unto supreme absolute truth
21Om Aghoraya NamahaObeisances to him who for his devotees is not horrible
22Om Goravikramaya NamahaObeisances to him who has terrifying activities
23Om Jwalanmukhaya NamahaObeisances to one who has an effulgent face
24Om Jvala maaline NamahaObeisances to him with effulgent garland of flames
25Om Mahajvalaya NamahaObeisances to he who is most effulgent
26Om Maha prabhave NamahaObeisances to the supreme master
27Om Nitalakshaya NamahaObeisances to him who possesses all good qualities
28Om Sahasrakashaya NamahaObeisances to the thousand-eyed One
29Om Durnirikshaya NamahaObeisances to him who is difficult to see
30Om Pratapanaya NamahaObeisances to him who oppresses his enemies with great heat
31Om Mahadamstrayudhaya NamahaObeisances to him who possesses huge teeth
32Om Yudhaprajnaya NamahaObeisances to the supremely intelligent in battle
33Om Candakopine NamahaObeisances to him who is likened to an angry moon
34Om Sadasivaya NamahaObeisances to the all auspicious lord
35Om Hiranyakasipu dwamsine NamahaObeisance to him who destroys Hiranyakasipu
36Om Daityadanava bhamjanaya NamahaObeisances to he who destroys the masses of the race of demons and giants
37Om Gunabhadraya NamahaOObeisances unto Narasimha Who is full of wonderful qualities
38Om Maha bhadtraya NamahaObeisances to him Who is very auspicious
39Om Bala bhadhraya NamahaObeisances to him who is auspiciously powerful
40Om Subhadragaaya NamahaObeisances to the extremely auspicious One
41Om Karalaya NamahaObeisances to he who possesses a wide open mouth
42Om Vikaralaya NamahaObeisances to him with very wide open mouth
43Om Vikarte NamahaObeisances to the lord Who performs wonderful activities
44Om Sarwakartrukaya NamahaObeisances to the lord Who performs all activities
45Om Shimshumaraya NamahaObeisances to him who also appears as Matsya
46Om Trilokatmane NamahaObeisances to the soul of the three worlds
47Om Eshaaya NamahaObeisances to the lord known as the controller
48Om Sarveshvaraaya NamahaObeisances to that supreme controller
49Om Vibhave NamahaObeisances to Narasimha who is the best
50Om Bhairavaadambaraaya NamahaObeisances to him who causes terror by roaring in the sky
51Om Divyaya NamahaObeisances to that divine person Narasimha
52Om Achyutaaya NamahaObeisances to our infallible lord Narasimha
53Om Kavine NamahaObeisances to the supreme intelligent
54Om Madavaya NamahaObeisances to the husband of srimati Laksmi devi
55Om Adokshaya NamahaObeisances to him who is beyond understanding
56Om Aksharaya NamahaObeisances to the infallible one
57Om Sharvaya NamahaObeisances to he who is the origin of everything
58Om Vanamaline NamahaObeisances to him who wears garland of forest flowers
59Om varapradaya NamahaObeisances to the merciful lord Who grants boons to the deserving like Prahlada
60Om Vishwambharaya NamahaObeisances to Narasimha who maintains the universe
61Om Adbhutaya NamahaObeisances to him who is wonderful
62Om Bhavyaya NamahaObeisances to he who determines the future
63Om Sri vishnave NamahaObeisances to that Narasimha who is the all pervading lord Vishnu
64Om Purushottamaya NamahaObeisances to Narasimha who is the supreme enjoyer
65Om Anaghastraya NamahaObeisances to him who can never be wounded by weapons
66Om Nakhastraya NamahaObeisances to him who has sharp nails for weapons
67Om Suryajothishe NamahaObeisances to Narasimha the source of suns rays
68Om Sureshwaraya NamahaObeisances to Narasimhadev, lord of devatas
69Om Saha sabrahave NamahaObeisances to Nara-hari the thousand-armed lord
70Om Sarvagnyaya NamahaObeisances to him Who is the all-knowing
71Om Sarvasiddi pradayakaya NamahaObeisances to him who awards all perfections to the sadhakas
72Om Vajradamstraya NamahaObeisances to Narasimha who has teeth like lightning bolts
73Om Vajrakhaya NamahaObeisances to Narasimha who possesses nails like piercing lightning bolts
74Om Mahanamdaya NamahaObeisances to the source of supreme bliss - Atmananda - Narasimha
75Om Paramtapaya NamahaObeisances to the source of All austerities, spiritual energy
76Om Sarvamaothreka rupaya NamahaObeisances to that divine personality Who although one, he appears as the many mantrika formulas
77Om Sarvayantravidaranaya NamahaObeisances to him who destroys all machines
78Om Sarvatamtratmakaya NamahaObeisances to Narasimha the essence of, and proprioter of all tantras
79Om Avyaktaya NamahaObeisances to the lord Who appears unmanifest
80Om Suvyaktaya NamahaObeisances unto Narasimha who for His devotees becomes wonderfully manifest from the pillar
81Om Bhakthavatsalaya NamahaObeisances to the lord Who always has the well-being of His devotee at heart
82Om Vaishakha shukla bhutottaya NamahaObeisances to that Narasimhadeva who appeared during waxing moon of the month of Visakha
83Om Sharanagata vatsalaaya NamahaObeisances to the lord Who is kind to those surrendered to him
84Om Udarakirthiye NamahaObeisances to Narasimha Who is universally famous
85Om Punyatmane NamahaObeisances to him who is the essence of piety
86Om Mahatmane NamahaObeisances to that great personality, Narasimha
87Om Chanda vikramaaya NamahaObeisances to him who is the performer of moonlike or great deeds, or who performs deeds that eclipse all others.
88Om vedatrayaya NamahaObeisances to the Lord of the three original Vedas
89Om prapujyaya NamahaObeisances to Narasimha who is supremely worshipable
90Om Bhagavate NamahaObeisances to Narasimha the supreme personality of Godhead
91Om Parameswaraya NamahaObeisances to he who is the supreme controller
92Om Srivatsamkaya NamahaObeisances to the lord who is just like Krishna, being marked with symbol of Laksmia
93Om Jagadvyapine NamahaObeisances to Narasimha who pervades the entire universe
94Om Jaganmayaaya NamahaObeisances to the supreme mystic who makes the material world seem real
95Om Jagatpalaaya NamahaObeisances to the protector of the universe
96Om Jagannathaya NamahaObeisances to the lord of universe
97Om Mahakayaya NamahaObeisances to him who moves in the air or with the movement of the air
98Om Dviroopabrute NamahaObeisances to him who has double form
99Om Paramatmane NamahaObeisances to him who is the supersoul of All beings
100Om Paramjyotishye NamahaObeisances to him (Narasimha) whose effulgence is the source of Brahman
101Om Nirgunaya NamahaObeisances to Narasimha who possesses transcendental qualities
102Om Nru kesarine NamahaObeisances unto him man-lion
103Om Parathatvaya NamahaObeisances to the supreme absolute Truth
104Om Paramdhamane NamahaObeisances to he who comes from the supreme abode
105Om Sachitananda vigrahaya NamahaObeisances to Narasimha whose form is made of eternal knowledge and bliss
106Om Lakshminarasimhaya NamahaObeisances unto the man-lion Form together with the supreme goddess of fortune srimati Laksmi-devi
107Om Sarvatmane NamahaObeisances unto the universal, primeval soul
108Om Dheeraya NamahaObeisances unto Narasimha who is always sober

Shri Lakshminarasimha Maha Mantras

Shri Lakshminarasimha Maha Mantras

  1. Om ugram veeram maha vishnum jwalantam sarvatomukham,
    narasimham bheeshanam bhadram mrityor mrityum namamyahum.
  2. Vrattotphulla vishalaksham vipakshkshaya dikshitam,
    ninadatrasta vishwandam vishnum ugram namamyahum.
  3. Sarvairavadyatam praptam sabalougham ditehastutam,
    nakhagraihe shakalichakre yastam veeram namamyahum.
  4. Padavishtabdha patalam mordha vishtha trivishthapam,
    bhuja pravishthashthadisham mahavishnum namamyahum.
  5. Jyotimshyakrendu nakshatra jwalanadeetyanukramat,
    jwalanti tejasa yasha tam jwalantam namamyahum.
  6. Sarvendriyairapi vina sarvam sarvatra sarvada,
    Yo janati namamyadhyam tamaham sarvatomukham.
  7. Naravat simha vachaiva yasya roopam mahatmanaha,
    mahasatham mahadamshtram tam nrasimham namamyaham.
  8. Yannamasmaranat bheetah bhuta vetala rakshasaha,
    rogadyashcha pranashyanti bheeshanam tam namamyahum.
  9. Sarvopi yam samashritya sakalam bhadramashnute,
    shriya cha bhadraya jushto yastam bhadram namamyahum.
  10. Sakshaat swakale sampraptam mrityum shatrugananvitam,
    bhaktanam nashayed yastu mrityu mrityum namamyaham.
  11. Namasakaratmakam yasmai vidhayatmanivedamanam,
    tathva dukhokhilan kaman ashnushetam namamyahum.
  12. Dasabhutah svatassarve hyatamanaha paramatmanah,
    athoh mapitedasa iti matwa namamyaham.
  13. Shankarenadarat proktam padaznam tatvanirnayam,
    trisandhyam yaha pathet nityam tasya shree vidya aayushcha vardhate.

Shri Lakshminarasimha Stotram

Shri Lakshminarasimha Stotram

  • Devata karya sidhyartham, sabhasthambha samudbhavam,
    Sri nrisimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
  • Lakshmya aalingitha vamangam, bhakthanaam vara dayakam,
    Sri nrisimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
  • Aantramaladaram, sankha chakrabja aayudarinim,
    Sri nrisimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
  • Smaranath sarva papagnam, khadruja visha nasanam,
    Sri nrisimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
  • Simhanadenamahatha, digdanthi bhayanasanam,
    Sri nrisimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
  • Prahlada varadam, srisam, daithyeswara vidharanam,
    Sri nrisimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
  • Kroora grahaih peedithanam bhakthanam abhaya pradham,
    Sri nrisimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
  • Veda vedantha yajnesam, brahma rudradhi vandhitham,
    Sri nrisimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
  • Ya idam pathathe nithyam, runa mochana samjnitham
    Anrni jayathe sadyo, danam sigramavapnuyath

108 Names of Lord Krishna

Lord Krishna Names

Sri Krishna is the central figure of the Hindu Bhagavad Gita. Sri Krishna is widely considered to be an Avatar – a direct descent of God. Krishna is one of the many names of Lord Vishnu, and Sri Krishan is considered to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

Sri Krishna was born in northern India in approximately 3,228 BCE. The Puranas consider Sri Krishna’s life to mark the passing between the Dvapara age and the Kali Yuga (current age)

108 Names of Lord Krishna

1Om Shri Krishnaya NamahaDark-Complexioned Lord
2Om Kamala Nathaya NamahaConsort Of Goddess Lakshmi
3Om Vaasudevaya NamahaSon Of Vasudev
4Om Sanatanaya NamahaThe Eternal One
5Om Vasu devatma jaaya NamahaSon Of Vasudev
6Om Punyaya NamahaSupremely Pure
7Om Lila-Manusha-Vigrahaya NamahaAssuming Human Form To Perform Pastimes
8Om Shrivatsa Kausthubha-Dharaya NamahaWearing Shri Vatsa And Kausthubha Gem
9Om Yashoda-Vatsalaya NamahaMother Yashoda’s Loving Child
10Om Haraye NamahaThe Lord Of Nature
11Om Chaturbhujatta-Chakrasi-Gada-Shankadhyayudhaya NamahaFour Armed One Carrying Weapons Of Disc,Club,Conch
12Om Devaki Nandanaya NamahaSon Of Mother Devaki
13Om Shrisaya NamahaAbode Of Shri (Lakshmi)
14Om Nandagopa Priyatmajaya NamahaNanda Gopa’s Loving Child
15Om Yamunavega Samharine NamahaDestroyer Of Speed Of River Yamuna
16Om Balabhadra Priyanujaya NamahaBalram’s Younger Brother
17Om Putana Jivita Haraya NamahaThe One Who Took The Life Of Demoness Putana
18Om Shakatasura Bhanjanaya NamahaDestroyer Of Demon Shakatasur
19Om Nandavraja Jana Nandine NamahaThe One Who Is Bringing Joy To Nand And People Of Braj
20Om Sachidananda Vigrahaya NamahaEmbodiment Of Existence, Awareness And Bliss
21Om Navanita Viliptangaya NamahaLord Whose Body Is Smeared With Butter
22Om Navanita Nataya NamahaThe One Who Dances For Butter
23Om Anaghaya NamahaThe Unmanifested
24Om Navanita Navaharaya NamahaThe One Who Dances For Butter
25Om Muchukunda Prasadakaya NamahaThe Lord Who Graced Muchukunda
26Om Shodasha Sthri Sahasreshaya NamahaThe Lord Of 16,000 Women
27Om Tribhangi Lalitakritaye NamahaThe One Who Has Threefold Bending Form
28Om Sukavag Amritabhdhindave NamahaOcean Of Nectar According To Sukadeva (Shuka)
29Om Govindaya NamahaOne Who Pleases The Cows, The Land And The Entire Nature
30Om Yoginam Pataye NamahaLord Of The Yogis
31Om Vatsa Vatacharaya NamahaThe One Who Goes About Caring For Calves
32Om Anantaya NamahaThe Endless Lord
33Om Dhenukasura Mardanaya NamahaThe Lord Who Beat Up The Ass-Demon Dhenukasura
34Om Trinikrita Trinavartaya NamahaLord Who Killed Trnavarta, The Whirlwind Demon
35Om Yamalarjuna Bhanjanaya NamahaThe Lord Who Broke The Two Arjuna Trees
36Om Uttala Talabhettre NamahaThe Lord Who Broke All The Big, Tala Trees (Killing Dhenuka)
37Om Tamala Shyamala Kritaye NamahaLord Who Is Blackish Like A Tamala Tree
38Om Gopa Gopishvaraya NamahaLord Of The Gopas And Gopis
39Om Yogine NamahaThe Supreme Master
40Om Koti Surya Samaprabhaya NamahaOne Who Is As Lustrous As A Million Suns
41Om Ilapataye NamahaThe One Who Is The Master Of Knowledge
42Om Parasmai Jyotishe NamahaOne With A Supreme Light
43Om Yadavendraya NamahaLord Of Yadav Clan
44Om Yadudvahaya NamahaLeader Of Yadus
45Om Vanamaline NamahaOne Wearing A Sylven Garland
46Om Pita Vasase NamahaOne Wearing Yellow Robes
47Om Parijatapa Harakaya NamahaOne Who Removes Parijath Flower
48Om Govardhanachalo Dhartre NamahaLifter Of Govardhan Hill
49Om Gopalaya NamahaProtector Of Cows
50Om Sarva Palakaya NamahaProtector Of All Beings
51Om Ajaya NamahaThe Conqueror Of Life And Death
52Om Niranjanaya NamahaThe Unblemished Lord
53Om Kama Janakaya NamahaOne Generating Desires In Worldly Mind
54Om Kancha Lochanaya NamahaOne With Beautiful Eyes
55Om Madhughne NamahaSlayer Of Demon Madhu
56Om Mathura Nathaya NamahaLord of Mathura
57Om Dvaraka Nayakaya NamahaThe Hero Of Dvaraka
58Om Baline NamahaThe Lord Of Strength
59Om Brindavananta Sancarine NamahaOne Who Loiters About The Outskirts Of Vrindavana
60Om Tulasidama Bhushanaya NamahaOne Who Wears A Tulasi Garland
61Om Syamantaka Maner Hartre NamahaWho Appropriated The Sysmantaka Jewel
62Om Nara Narayanatmakaya NamahaThe Selfsame Nara-Narayana
63Om Kubja Krishtambaradharaya NamahaOne Who Applied Ointment By Kubja The Hunchbacked
64Om Mayine NamahaMagician, Lord of Maya
65Om Paramapurushaya NamahaThe supreme one
66Om Mushtikasura Chanura Mallayudha-Visharadaya NamahaOne Who Expertly Fought The Wrestlers Mushtika And Chanura
67Om Samsara Vairine NamahaEnemy Of Material Existence
68Om Kamsaraye NamahaEnemy Of King Kamsa
69Om Muraraye NamahaEnemy Of Demon Mura
70Om Narakantakaya NamahaDestroyer Of Demon Naraka
71Om Anadi Brahmacharine NamahaBeginning Less Absolute
72Om Krishna Vyasana Karshakaya NamahaRemover Of Draupadi’s Distress
73Om Shishupala Shirascettre NamahaRemover Of Shishupal’s Head
74Om Duryodhana Kulantakaya NamahaDestroyer Of Duryodhana’s Dynasty
75Om Vidurakrura Varadaya NamahaDestroyer Of Demon Naraka
76Om Vishvarupa Pradarshakaya NamahaRevealer Of Vishwasrupa (Universal Form)
77Om Satyavache NamahaSpeaker Of Truth
78Om Satya Sankalpaya NamahaLord Of True Resolve
79Om Satyabhama Rataya NamahaLover Of Satyabhama
80Om Jayine NamahaThe Ever Victorious Lord
81Om Subhadra Purvajaya NamahaBrother Of Subhadra
82Om Vishnava NamahaLord Vishnu
83Om Bhishma Mukti Pradayakaya NamahaOne Who Bestowed Salvation To Bhishma
84Om Jagadgurave NamahaPreceptor Of The Universe
85Om Jagannathaya NamahaLord Of The Universe
86Om Venunada Visharadaya NamahaOne Expert In Playing Of Flute Music
87Om Vrishabhasura Vidhvamsine NamahaDestroyer Of Demon Vrishbasura
88Om Banasura Karantakaya NamahaThe Lord Who Vanquished Banasura’s Arms
89Om Yudhisthira Pratishthatre NamahaOne Who Established Yudhisthira As A King
90Om Barhi Barhavatamsakaya NamahaOne Who Adorns Peacock Feathers
91Om Parthasarathaye NamahaChariot Driver Of Arjuna
92Om Avyaktaya NamahaThe Unmanifested
93Om Gitamrita Mahodadhaye NamahaAn Ocean Containing Nectar Of Bhagwad Gita
94Om Kaliyaphani Manikya Ranjita Shri Padambhujaya NamahaThe Lord Whose Lotus Feet Adorn Gems From Hood Of Kaliya Serpent
95Om Damodaraya NamahaOne Tied Up With A Rope At The Waist
96Om Yajnabhoktre NamahaOne Who Consumes Sacrificial Offerings
97Om Danavendra Vinashakaya NamahaDestroyer Of Lord Of Asuras
98Om Narayanaya NamahaThe One Who Is Lord Vishnu
99Om Parabrahmane NamahaThe Supreme Brahmana
100Om Pannagashana Vahanaya NamahaWhose Carrier (Garuda) Devours Snakes
101Om Jalakridasamashakta Gopi Vastrapaharakaya NamahaLord Who Hid Gopi’s Clothes While They Were Playing In River Yamuna
102Om Punya-Shlokaya NamahaLord Whose Praise Bestows Meritorious
103Om Tirthapadaya NamahaCreator Of Holy Places
104Om Vedavedyaya NamahaSource Of Vedas
105Om Dayanidhaye NamahaOne Who Is Treasure Of Compassion
106Om Sarva Bhutatmakaya NamahaSoul Of Elements
107Om Sarvagraha Rupine NamahaTo All-Formed One
108Om Paratparaya NamahaGreater Than The Greatest


108 names of Lord Ayyappa

Lord Ayyappa Names Ayyappan also called Sastavu or Sasta, the offspring of Shiva and Vishnu. Lord Ayyappa is the presiding deity of ...